Overwriting nested styles in React Bootstrap using Styled-Components


I'm using styled-components with React Bootstrap. We want a tab (Tab 3 in this example) to be colored based on a status. It works well when the tab is not active, but when it's active, the Bootstrap style overwrites the style.

I've identified the style that's overwriting my color in the console. When I use console to turn off the style, I see my intended tab color.

I'm just not sure how to target this style using style-components. I've tried experimenting with different ideas from the official doc but haven't been able to get it working.

My styled component:

 export const TabNavItem = styled(NavItem)`
      background-color: ${props => (props.colorize ? 'orange' : 'white')};


  render() {
    const { children, active, colorize } = this.props;
    return (
      <TabNavItem onClick={this.handleChangeLocation} active={active} colorize={colorize}>

Color works fine when tab is not active:

Color works fine when tab is not active

When tab is active, color is covered by Bootstrap styles:

When tab is active, color is covered by Bootstrap styles

This is the style I need to overwrite (background-color):

This is the style I need to overwrite (background-color)


I typically wouldn't apply styled-components directly to each react-bootstrap components, but instead create a single one to wrap the entire component scope and rely more on CSS classes to get things done.

For example in your case, I would do something like:

const StyledWrap = styled.div`
  & .nav-tabs > .active > li {
    background: white;

  & .nav-tabs > .active.colorize > li {
    background: orange;
const MyCustomNavbar = (props) => {
  return (
      /* ... */
        <NavItem active={true} />
        <NavItem className="colorize"/>
        <NavItem active={true} className="colorize" />
      /* ... */

In my opinion, its a cleaner pattern that keeps your component specific CSS properly scoped, concentrated and comprehensive.

Generally, I find that applying styled-components only once per component scope keeps things simple and manageable. When you apply it in multiple places you end up doing a lot of prefixing and end up with code that looks like this:

    <StyledNavItem active={true} />
      <StyledMenuItem eventKey={1.1}>Action 1</StyledMenuItem>
      <StyledMenuItem eventKey={1.2}>Action 2</StyledMenuItem>

This is an extreme example, but you get the idea.

Collected from the Internet

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