Can not apply styles to custom components in React Native using styled-components?

Musayyab Naveed

I'm using styled-components in my React Native app to style it. Styling works fine on other components but when I try to style my custom created components then no style is applied.

In this case, no padding is applied.

Here is one of my code example:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { View } from "react-native";
import styled from "styled-components/native";
import { BigTitle } from "./Titles";

class Home extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <MainTitle title="Hello World!" />
export default Home;

const MainTitle = styled(BigTitle)`
  padding-top: 45px;
  padding-bottom: 10px;

Here is the custom created component:

import React from "react";
import { Text } from "react-native";
import styled from "styled-components/native";

interface TitleProps {
  title: string;

export const BigTitle = (props: TitleProps) => {
  return <BigTitleText>{props.title}</BigTitleText>;

const BigTitleText = styled(Text)`
  text-align: left;
  font-size: 20px;
  letter-spacing: 1.8px;
  color: ${props => props.theme.textColor};
  font-family: ${props => props.theme.fontFamily};
  text-transform: uppercase;
  opacity: 1;

Luan Eduardo

Try to use the style prop in the BigTitle component:

export const BigTitle = (props: TitleProps) => {
  return <BigTitleText style={}>{props.title}</BigTitleText>;

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