How to apply styles to multiple components using styled components

Joy Lee

I've created a icon.js file. It exports 3 SVG components to different files. Like this :

export const MenuIcon = () => {
  return (

export const ArrowLeftIcon = () => {
  return (

export const SearchIcon = () => {
  return (

And I would like to apply the same styles to all three of these components using styled components, not giving them a same className. Is there a solution for that? Thank you :)

Neha Jha

I think the following steps could help you.


  1. npm i [email protected]
  2. import styled from 'styled-components';

const StyledSvg = styled.svg` <---the html tag that you want to style
  color: palevioletred;       <---the css styles that you want to use

  1. Now use StyledSvg that you just created instead of the svg tags.

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