How to override third party default styles using Styled Components


I'm currently using VideoPlayer from react-video-js-player and I'm trying to override the default height/width styles to have the video inherit the parents height/width.

Since VideoPlayer is simply React wrapper for VideoJS. I assume the styles and class names are the same. I tried doing something like this:

import VideoPlayer from "react-video-js-player"

export const VideoJS = styled(VideoPlayer)`
position: relative;
height: 100%;

Setting the height and width to be 100% in the props doesn't work


the parent container is set to 100% width and height. Any ideas?


I would do something like this , first inspect the video player element in browser to know what is its wrapper, let's say its a div . you can do something like this :

export const VideoPlayerWrapper= styled.div`
   //this will target the videoPlayerwrapper 
   position: relative;
   height: 100%;

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