How can I use each line of a file as an input switch in bash?


I have a file that contains a list of filenames on each line.



This file can contain any number of lines. What I want to do is then run a command that runs cat with each line being an input, such as:

cat <line 1> <line 2> <line 3> new_combination_file.txt

I was looking this up and I think I should be using xargs to do this, but when I looked up examples and the man page, it didn't make sense to me. Can someone help?


Use a while read loop to read each line into a variable

while read -r filename
    cat "$filename"
done < myfile.txt > new_combination_file.txt

You can also use xargs:

xargs cat < myfile.txt > new_combination_file.txt

However, this won't work if any filenames contain spaces.

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