How can I create a new "file type" in the command line?


To create a registry entry, the reg command is used. How can I use the reg command to specify a file, for example, of type .test to automatically open with openTest.exe, and be listed as a Useless Test File under the file type details?


Try this batch to Associate .test as filetype and default run program to run the .test file.

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
ASSOC .test=Useless Test File

set myapppath="%homedrive%\MyTestProgram\"
REG ADD "HKCR\.test\DefaultIcon" /d %myapppath%\openTest.ico
REG ADD "HKCR\.test\shell\Open\command" /d "%myapppath%\openTest.exe %%1"

The above batch will associate ".test" and set its description as "Useless Test File"

myapppath will set your path to your application directory.(edit path as required)

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