Renaming Bulk files and changing certain prefix and raring them

Abdul Rehman Janjua

I am using bash for renaming multiple script but it doesn't seem to work here is the sample filename i want to rename Continuum S02E13 [Number1Music.Us].mkv output Continuum S02E13 [].mkv

for i in *.mkv;do mv $i ${i//[Number1Music.Us].mkv/[]};done

and other question is to rar these files i havent tested it but it must be something like this.

for i in *.mkv;do rar a -m0 "$i.rar" "$i";done

Thanks in advance


You need to escape [ and ] since these are special symbols in glob pattern. Use this mv command:

for i in *.mkv;do
   mv "$i" "${i//\[Number1Music.Us\]/[]}"

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