Renaming pdf files to include the parentfolder name as the prefix, and including a unique suffix


Please can you help. How can I rename pdf files to include the parentfolder name as the prefix, and adding DRAFT as a suffix?

For example, for parent folder name \ABCDEF:

  • xyc123.pdf
  • fgh456.pdf

I would like it to look like this \abcdef:

  • abcdefDRAFT.pdf
  • abcdefDRAFT.pdf

Each pdf is always unique, and each folder is always unique.
I just need the corresponding .pdfs in each folder to match the folder name.

I am new to scripting, and I would like to write and run the script using notepad
(I am not able to download any 3rd party software). Thank you.

It Wasn't Me

For command line in same folder (top-level folder tree):

cd /d "c:\folder_target\" & for /f tokens^=* %i in ('dir/b/s/a:-d')do ren "%~fi" "%~niDraft%~xi"

For bat/cmd file:

@echo off 

cd /d "c:\folder_target\"
for /f tokens^=* %%i in ('dir/b/s/a:-d')do ren "%%~fi" "%%~niDraft%~xi"

Additional resources:

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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