Undefined reference error when I try to call compiled NASM function from C program


I have a c program, to optimize this program I have tried this:

  1. compile the most heavy method (named my_method) separately
  2. disassembly the compiled method
  3. editing the assembly code generated from the compiler to optimize this
  4. compile edited and optimized assembly code with NASM compiler

the original c method has this signature

float **my_method(int m, int n, float **MatrixA, float **VectorB){
   //method boby

The problem: How to call the compiled optimized "NASMed" version of the method from C?

I have tried to declare this at the beginning of the c file

extern float **my_method(int m, int n, float **MatrixA, float **VectorB);

but when I try to call the method in c for example with

float **res= mymethod(rows, columns, matrix1, vect);

GCC returns me this error: Undefined reference to my_method

the compiled assembly file is named my_method.o my c file is named my_program.c

I have tried to compile with gcc my_program.c


You might like to use something like

gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic my_program.c -o my_program my_method.o

with my_method.o being the result of the NASM compilation.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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