Error occurs when I try to call an inherited function in C++

Naq Z

I have 3 classes, GameObject, Building which inherits from GameObject, and PokemonCenter which inherits from Building. When I try to call a Building::ShowStatus() function in PokemonCenter I keep get a "invalid operands to binary expression" error.


#ifndef BUILDING_H
#define BUILDING_H
#include "Point2D.h"
#include "GameObject.h"

class Building : public GameObject

    unsigned int pokemon_count;

    Building(char,int, Point2D);
    void AddOnePokemon();
    void RemoveOnePokemon();
    void ShowStatus();
    bool ShouldBeVisible();




#include "Building.h"
#include "GameObject.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

    display_code = 'B';
    id_num = ' ';
    state = '0';
    pokemon_count = 0;
    cout << "Building default constructed";

Building::Building(char in_code,int in_id, Point2D in_loc)
    id_num = in_id;
    location = in_loc;
    display_code = in_code;
    state = '0';
    pokemon_count = 0;
    cout << "Building constructed";

void Building::ShowStatus()
    cout << "\"(" << pokemon_count << "\"pokemon is/are in this building";


#include "Point2D.h"
#include "Building.h"

class PokemonCenter: public Building
    unsigned int stamina_capacity;
    unsigned int num_stamina_points_remaining;
    double dollar_cost_per_stamina_point;
    PokemonCenter(int,double,unsigned int, Point2D);

    bool HasStaminaPoints();
    unsigned int GetNumStaminaPointsRemaining();
    bool CanAffordStaminaPoints(unsigned int, Point2D);
    double GetDollarCost(unsigned int);
    unsigned int DistributeStamina(unsigned int);
    bool Update();
    void ShowStatus();

enum PokemonCenterStates



#include "PokemonCenter.h"
#include "Point2D.h"
#include "Building.h"
#include "GameObject.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

    id_num = ' ';
    display_code = 'C';
    stamina_capacity = 100;
    num_stamina_points_remaining = stamina_capacity;
    dollar_cost_per_stamina_point = 5;
    cout << "PokemonCenter default constructed";

PokemonCenter::PokemonCenter(int in_id, double stamina_cost, unsigned int stamina_cap, Point2D in_loc)
    id_num = in_id;
    location = in_loc;
    dollar_cost_per_stamina_point = stamina_cost;
    stamina_capacity = stamina_cap;
    num_stamina_points_remaining = stamina_capacity;
    cout << "PokemonCenter constructed";


void PokemonCenter::ShowStatus()
cout << "Pokemon Center Status: " << Building::ShowStatus() << endl;

R Sahu

The problem is that the return type of Building::ShowStatus() is void. operator<< is not defined between std::ostream and void. Hence, you can't use

cout << "Pokemon Center Status: " << Building::ShowStatus() << endl;

Change that to:

cout << "Pokemon Center Status: ";
cout << endl;

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