How to convert an array of objects into an array of objects with mapped key-value pairs


It is hard to put into words, so If anyone could help me with the title of the question, thanks in advance. At the end of the day, I have an array like so;

    field: "firstname",
    value: "John"
    field: "lastname",
    value: "Doe"
    field: "hobbies",
    value: "singing, basketball"

and the desired output will be like below;

    "hobbies" :"singing, basketball"

The closest question I could find similar to mine was this one: How to convert an array into an object in javascript with mapped key-value pairs?


Use map and return object, where key will be obj.field and value as obj.value
i.e. {[obj.field]: obj.value}

let output = [ 
        field: "firstname",
        value: "John"
        field: "lastname",
        value: "Doe"
        field: "hobbies",
        value: "singing, basketball"
].map(a => ({[a.field]: a.value}))


Collected from the Internet

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