Convert array of single-property JavaScript objects to array of key/value pairs


I have a collection of JavaScript dictionaries that look like

my_dictionary = [
    {"first_thing": "1"},
    {"second_thing": "2"}

, but which need to look like

my_dictionary = [
    {key: "first_thing", value: "1"},
    {key: "second_thing", value: "2"}

. Since there are so many of these dictionaries, I need a way to iterate through them and change all of the dictionaries so that they will have they key and value inside.

I have tried iterating through, and tried selecting them using something like my_dictionary[0].key as well as my_dictionary[0][0], which I hoped would work, but I suppose that isn’t the way to do it.


Since all the transformation is happening in-element, i like using [].map() for this:

[{"first_thing": "1"}, {"second_thing":"2"}].map(function(o){
  var o2={};
  Object.keys(o).forEach(function(k){o2.key=k; o2.value=o[k];});
  return o2;

// == [{"key":"first_thing","value":"1"},{"key":"second_thing","value":"2"}]

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