Typescript definition for a function which returns based on nested keys in parameter


I'm trying to write a declaration file for a library we're using without any means to modify it.

The way it works is that you can send a configuration object, the return will be based on some keys inside of it

const args = {
  // ...
  resources: {
    One: {
      query: { url: 'value' }


Invoking it returns an object with the deeply nested keys of resources as functions

const ret = {
  One: {
    query: async (query) => <data>

// ret.One.query(args) => data

Ideally each <data> would also be typed, I'm not sure if this is possible due to the dynamic keys? I've tried a couple of approaches using keyof the parameters without any luck

Edit: Updated example

const config = {
  // ...
  resources: {
    User: {
      find: { url: 'http://example.com/userapi' }
    Dashboard: {
      update: { method: 'post', url: 'http://example.com/dashboardapi'}

const services = serviceCreator(config)

// service creator turns the supplied resources object into promise functions

await services.User.find({id: '123'}) // Promise<User>
await services.Dashboard.update({user: '123', action: 'save'}) // Promise<Dashboard>

Mu-Tsun Tsai

Without further information, I'm guessing that you're looking for something like this:

type Arg<T> = { resources: T; }
type Ret<T> = {
    [K in keyof T]: {
        query: (...query: any[]) => Promise<any>;
declare const library: <T>(arg: Arg<T>) => Ret<T>;

Let's test it to see if it works:

const args = {
    resources: {
        One: {
            query: { url: 'value' }
var ret = library(args);

async function test() {
    await ret.One.query();  // OK

You can try it in this playground.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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