Typescript: define function, which transforms an object, keeping keys

Artur Eshenbrener

I need to define a function, which accepts an object of this type:

interface Source<A> {
    [index: string]: A

and transforms that object, keeping the keys, but replaces a values:

interface Target<B> {
    [index: string]: B

and I also want to keep typechecking for that case. This is example:

function transform(source) {
    var result = {}
    Object.keys(source).forEach((key) => {
        result[key] = source[key] + "prefix"

var target = transform({
    "key1": 1,
    "key2": 2,

// now target has a {"key1": "1prefix", "key2": "2prefix"}

var three = target.key3 // I want to get type error here on compile-time

This is now possible with the keyof keyword.

type Mock<K, T> = {
    [P in keyof K]: T

This will create a type which has all of the properties of type K, but the value type of those properties will be T.

You could then modify your function to return Mock<A, B> and the compiler would enforce it.

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