Destructuring props dynamically?


I'm currently building an AddProductPage component for my web app. It receives a bunch of props from its parent AddProductContainer and should divide those props among many smaller components that it renders on the page.



function AddProductPage(props) {

      // And so on...

I've decided that I will to divide the full props object into smaller objects, one for each component, so I can see what my code will render on the page in a cleaner look. Like:

function AddProductPage(props) {

  const comp1Props = {
    propsA: props.propsA,
    propsB: props.propsB

  const comp2Props = {
    propsC: props.propsC,
    propsD: props.propsD,
    propsE: props.propsE

      <Component1 {...comp1Props}/>    // <--- Easier to see what will render
      <Component2 {...comp2Porps}/>
      // And so on...

I'm currently thinking if is it possible to dynamically destructure (or some other approach) all props into single variables so I can write something like this:

function AddProductPage(props) {

  // Some code to destructure all props into single variables

  const comp1Props = {

  const comp2Props = {

      <Component1 {...comp1Props}/>    // <--- Easier to see what will render
      <Component2 {...comp2Porps}/>
      // And so on...


How can I do this?


I think I wasn't being clear enough with my question. But what I meant with dynamically is to destructure everything without knowing the props names or how many props there are. Is it possible?


const {...props} = {...props}; // This is pseudo code

This way I think my code will be as clean as it can get. Thanks.

T.J. Crowder

The "Some code to destructure all props into single variables" would be simple destructuring:

const { propsA, propsB, propsC, propsD, propsE } = props;

Live Example:

const props = {
    propsA: "a",
    propsB: "b",
    propsC: "c",
    propsD: "d",
    propsE: "e"

const { propsA, propsB, propsC, propsD, propsE } = props;

const comp1Props = {

const comp2Props = {

.as-console-wrapper {
  max-height: 100% !important;

In comments you've clarified:

what I meant with dynamically is to destructure everything without knowing the props names or how many props there are.

I asked how you would know what to assign to comp1Props vs comp2Props, and you said:

I woud still decide that and create those objects manually. But if a pass a new prop to AddProductPage, I would like it to be automatically destructured and available to add that into the comp1Props object, for example. Otherwise I would have to remember to destructure it first and then add it to the comp1Props object.

So the question is: Can you automatically create constants/variables for all of props's properties in AddProductPage, so that they're all available to use in the code creating comp1Props and comp2Props?

No, you can't do that without using a confusing feature (with) that isn't available in strict mode (which is enabled by default in modules). If you could use with, you'd just do with (props) { /*...*/ } and create your comp1Props and comp2Props within that block. But you can't use with in modern JavaScript.

You're probably best off doing what you're already doing:

const comp1Props = {
    propsA: props.propsA,
    propsB: props.propsB

But if you want to make it shorter, you can give yourself a reusable utility function:

function pick(source, ...props) {
    const result = {};
    for (const prop of props) {
        result[prop] = source[prop];

and then use it in AddProductPage:

function AddProductPage(props) {
  const comp1Props = pick(props, "propsA", "propsB");
  const comp2Props = pick(props, "propsC", "propsD", "propsE");

      <Component1 {...comp1Props}/>
      <Component2 {...comp2Porps}/>
      // And so on...

(Some would shoehorn that into a reduce call, but there's no need.)

Collected from the Internet

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