Different ways of destructuring props in react


I have seen two ways to destructure props in React.

    function MyComponent({name,age,height}){
            // do stuff here


    function MyComponent(props){
            const {name,age,height} = props
            // do stuff here

Suppose this component is used as

<MyComponent name="bob" age={25} height = {175} haspets={false}/>

Here is my questions:

If I used the first way of destructuring, does it mean that I will have no access to other pros, in this case haspets

What are some pros/cons of these two ways?


If you destructure your props from the function parameters, you won't be able to access any other props later on**, so your assumption is correct. As far as performance and other pros/cons though, these forms are pretty much identical. I happen to like this way, because I like as few additional variable declarations in my files as possible. It can, be a pain with functions that require lots of props.

**Unless you use the spread operator and store them in a separate variable.

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