Why Async function in Next JS returns empty object in my Typescript code?

Chukwu Remijius

I'm having some problems with async function.

I have a class in my ../lib folder for processing data from an API website but i ran into problems when i try to load the api data in async function.

The async function dont even return anything, not even when i create object and try to return it inside the async function

All i get is {} empty object every time i call the function

Here is my code:

 private procurr(obj){
    // Here we start processing
    const mainObj = async function(ob) {
        var robj : any = [];
        var item = {};
        var i : number = 0;
        var total : number = 10;
            for(item in ob){
                let res2 = await axios.get('https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/'+item+'.json');
                const obji = await res2.data;
                var word : string = this.help.mode(this.help.words(obji.title));
                if(word.length > 0){
                    if(i < total){
                        robj[i] = (this.help.inArr(word, robj)) ? this.help.incScore(robj[i]) : {'word': word, 'score':1};
                        // increment
        // return JSON.parse(robj);
        return ob;       

    // exports.mainObj = mainObj;
    // Here we return
    // return obj;
    return mainObj(obj);


I'm calling the procurr(obj) from q1(obj) like so:

      // Here we create question question method
     public q1(obj) : any {
       // var topIDs = this.help.obj2Arr(obj);
       var last25 = this.help.last25(obj);
       // Here we return
       return this.procurr(last25);
       // return last25;

I'm calling the q1(obj) method from getStaticProps() like so

     export async function getStaticProps() {
        const postClass = new Posts();
        // Here we fetch data
        const res = await axios.get('https://hacker- 
        const obj = await res.data;
        // const obj = await JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data));
        // Here we check route request
        const ob = JSON.stringify(postClass.q1(obj));

        // ob = JSON.parse(postClass.q2(obj));
        // ob = JSON.parse(postClass.q3(obj));

        return {
          props: { ob }

The API call returns a object containing posts ids from hackernews website


You have a string of async methods, but at the bottom you forgot to await it. If you try to JSON.stringify a Promise you will get an empty object

const p = new Promise(resolve => resolve({foo:"bar"}));

console.log(JSON.stringify(p)) // Not {foo:"bar"} as you might expect

The method you're calling it from is already async so just add an await

const ob = JSON.stringify(await postClass.q1(obj));

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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