Why passing function object to Object.keys() returns empty array?


So, functions in js are objects with some keys, right? I'm trying to iterate through them, but i'm getting empty list:

function f(a) {
console.log(Object.keys(f)) //prints []
console.log(f.arguments) //key "arguments" exists and prints Arguments object

Any expanation why Object.keys() doesn't return keys for function object?


Object.keys will only list enumerable properties. The arguments property is not enumerable, as you can see if you use getOwnPropertyDescriptor.

The property exists, but

function f() {

console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, 'arguments'));

To get a list of all own-property keys (excluding symbols), including non-enumerable ones, you can use Object.getOwnPropertyNames.

function f() {


which, here, gives you


Object.keys could have returned properties if any properties put directly on the function were enumerable, such as

function f() {

f.someProp = 'foo';

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