just returning non type parameter


I just learned compile-time array declaration via template, with the non-type parameter. so in this approach, we pass constant and array with size gets declared. like

using namespace std;

template<int size_of_array>
class arr 
    int  arr[size_of_array];

    int size_of() { return size_of_array;   }

int main() 
    arr<4> arr1;
    cout << arr1.size_of();

    return 0;

Can we do something like variable value assigning at run time like if we remove arr[] from there. like

using namespace std;

template<int size_of_array>
class arr 
    int  size_of_array;
    int size_of() { return size_of_array;   }

int main() 
    arr<4> arr1;
    cout << arr1.size_of();

    return 0;

Can we do that? or why not? Then maybe there is some thing about an array and a variable declaration which i don't know. Thank you in advance.

Lightness Races in Orbit

Absolutely! You can expose the template parameters by writing a function to pass them through.

Your attempt only failed because:

  • you tried to re-use the template argument name for a data member name, and
  • you never actually assigned a value to the data member.

There's really no need for an additional data member here anyway, as the template argument is accessible throughout the class definition.

So, for a non-type template parameter like yours, just:

template <int size_of_array>
class arr 
    static int size_of() { return size_of_array; }

Now arr<42>::size_of() is 42!

(I've made it static, not because you need to, but because in this example it makes sense; you could alternatively make it a non-static but const member function.)

And for a type:

template <typename T>
class arr 
    using array_size_t = T;

Now arr<T>::array_size_t is the type T!

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