Template function dependent on non-type parameter


Is it somehow possible to define an overloaded template function based on a non-type parameter?

following situation:

template<uint8_t> void SetupMem();

template<> void SetupMem<4>()
{ /* some code */ }

template<> void SetupMem<8>()
{ /* some code */ }

void TemplateCaller()
   // use the plattform-specific template function at compile-time

now is it somehow possible to change the return value of SetupMem based on the non-type parameter? e.g.:

template<> uint32_t SetupMem<4>(){}
template<> uint64_t SetupMem<8>(){}

So that TemplateCaller() does not explicitly calls SetupMem with the desired template parameter (so avoiding something like: SetupMem<uint64, sizeof(size_t)>();)? Possible solutions upto C++11 are welcome :)

Vittorio Romeo

Just use simple function overloading and std::integral_constant:

std::uint32_t SetupMem(std::integral_constant<int, 4>); // (0)
std::uint64_t SetupMem(std::integral_constant<int, 8>); // (1)

void TemplateCaller()
   auto a = SetupMem(std::integral_constant<int, 4>{}); // calls (0)
   auto b = SetupMem(std::integral_constant<int, 8>{}); // calls (1)

You can introduce a template type alias for readability:

template <int X>
using ic = std::integral_constant<int, X>;

std::uint32_t SetupMem(ic<4>);
std::uint64_t SetupMem(ic<8>);

void TemplateCaller()
   auto a = SetupMem(ic<4>{});
   auto b = SetupMem(ic<8>{});

live example on wandbox.org

If your compiler doesn't support integral_constant, all you need to do is define it yourself:

template <int>
struct ic { };

std::uint32_t SetupMem(ic<4>);
std::uint64_t SetupMem(ic<8>);

void TemplateCaller()
   auto a = SetupMem(ic<4>{});
   auto b = SetupMem(ic<8>{});

live example on wandbox.org

Collected from the Internet

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