Non-type template parameter dependent on a default template type parameter


Is there a way (in C++17) to achieve something similar to a forward declare, in a template? What I want to achieve is something like this:

template<typename T, SizeType D, typename SizeType = int>

Obviously here D depends on SizeType, so it must come before it. But in that case I cannot set a default parameter unless D also has a default parameter (which I do not want). Basically I want to be able to "declare" SizeType before D, but "define" it after it.

Edit: Here is an example of how I would like to use it:

template<typename T, SizeType D, typename SizeType = int>
class StaticArray{};
StaticArray<float, 5> s; // = StaticArray<float, 5, int>
StaticArray<float, (1<<40), size_t>; // 1<<40 doesn't fit in int
StoryTeller - Unslander Monica

You could do something like this

template<typename T, auto DArg, typename SizeType = int, SizeType D = DArg>

Now the argument for D is provided first, then the type of D, and finally the argument is converted to D of the correct type.

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