Name of image in drawable folder red

Kyle Avalani

I have just added a new image (.png) into my drawable folder for an app I'm working on, and the name of the image appears as red. In previous apps I've made the name appears the same color as the rest of the files/folders. The app recognizes the image fine and I use it as an launch icon, which also works fine. I'm just curious as to why it is red, and how I could go about making it a normal color.

Unfortunately I do not have enough reputation to post an image of what I'm talking about, so if I was unclear on anything I'm happy to clarify!

EDIT: Here is a photo:

enter image description here


Are you using a version control system? On my Android Studio setup, red files are files that have not yet been added to git.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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