Where is the image folder for drawable in the Android Studio?


I am new in Android and I am following a tutorial on the Web. In the tutorial these folders are existing in their project structure:


While in my project has only these folders:


And I also tried changing the Android to Project View but still same structure. The only difference are in the Project View I can see some folders that are hidden in the Android View like these:


Can I just copy my images into the drawable folder like this?

    - image1.jpg
    - image2.jpg

Or do I need to create a folder for hdpi, ldpi and mdpi?

Thats all guys. When I try to use Eclipse those folders are existing in the project structure.


While in my project has only these folders:

You can make your own folder when its not yet created. just follow the naming convention.

And I also tried changing the Android to Project View but still same structure. The only difference are in the Project View I can see some folders that are hidden in the Android View like these:

Just leave as it is. Nevermind the hidden files/folders.

Can I just copy my images into the drawable folder like this?

It depends on your application. If you want to support different screen densities then you should follow the android resource folder. Refer to this link http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html

Or do I need to create a folder for hdpi, ldpi and mdpi?

Yes you can create it. Remember just follow the naming convention of folders.

Collected from the Internet

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