How to add an image to the "drawable" folder in Android Studio?

Alan W :

I need to add an image to the res/drawable folder...

When I choose new > image asset, it comes out a dialog to choose Asset Type...

How can I add an image to res/drawable folder?

Chris :

For Android Studio 1.5:

  1. Right click on res -> new -> Image Asset
  2. On Asset type choose Action Bar and Tab Icons
  3. Choose the image path
  4. Give your image a name in Resource name
  5. Next->Finish

Update for Android Studio 2.2:

  1. Right click on res -> new -> Image Asset

  2. On Icon Type choose Action Bar and Tab Icons

  3. On Asset type choose Image

  4. On Path choose your image path

  5. Next->Finish

The image will be saved in the /res/drawable folder.

Warning! If you choose to use images other than icons in SVG or PNG be aware that it could turn grey if the image is not transparent. You can find an answer in comments for this problem but none of these are verified by me because I never encountered this problem. I suggest you to use icons from here: Material icons

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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