How do I search for an entry out of two SQL tables and know which table it came from?

PSU Change

I'm trying to find a specific entry. This entry can appear in only ONE of my two tables and will never repeat in either table.

Here is a scaled-down version example of my tables:

Table 1:

Date             Name              Room
2020/01/23       John              201
2020/01/22       Rebecca           203

Table 2 (does NOT have the same amount of columns):

Date             Name              
2020/01/23       Robert            
2020/01/22       Sarah             

To find this entry, I need to specify a date and a name. You can assume names never repeat.

So let's say I want to find Sarah 2020/01/22

She could appear in either Table 1 or Table 2, and I don't know which one and I need to know which table she's in.

I'm not sure how I would do this in a single SQL query. So far I just have two separate ones:

SELECT date,name from Table1 WHERE name="Sarah" and date='2020/01/22'


SELECT date,name from Table2 WHERE name="Sarah" and date='2020/01/22'

Is there a way to do it in a single query that also tells me which table it came from? It could be another field or some indication that I can get. Thanks.


Use union all, and add another column to each resulset, with a literal value that indicates the table name:

select 't1' as which, date, name from table1 where name = 'Sarah' and date = '2020-01-22'
union all 
select 't2' as which, date, name from table2 where name = 'Sarah' and date = '2020-01-22'

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