How to set the currentTime in HTML5 audio object when audio file is online?


I have a JavaScript audio player with skip forward/back 10 second buttons. I do this by setting the currentTime of my audio element:

function Player(skipTime)
    this.skipTime = skipTime;
    this.waitLoad = false;

    // initialise main narration audio
    this.narration = new Audio(getFileName(dynamicNarration));
    this.narration.preload = "auto";
    this.narration.addEventListener('canplaythrough', () => { this.loaded();       });
    this.narration.addEventListener('timeupdate',     () => {;         });
    this.narration.addEventListener('ended',          () => { this.ended();        });
    this.narration.addEventListener('waiting',        () => { this.audioWaiting(); });
    this.narration.addEventListener('playing',        () => { this.loaded();       });

Player.prototype = {
    rew: function rew()
        if (!this.waitLoad) {

    ffw: function ffw()
        if (!this.waitLoad) {

    skip: function skip(amount)
        const curTime = this.narration.currentTime;
        const newTime = curTime + amount;
        console.log(`Changing currentTime (${curTime}) to ${newTime}`);
        this.narration.currentTime = newTime;
        console.log(`Result: currentTime = ${this.narration.currentTime}`);

    loaded: function loaded()
        if (this.waitLoad) {
            this.waitLoad = false;

    audioWaiting: function audioWaiting()
        if (!this.waitLoad) {
            this.waitLoad = true;

(I'm including here some of the event listeners I'm attaching because previously I'd debugged a similar problem as being down to conflicts in event listeners. Having thoroughly debugged event listeners this time though, I don't think that's the root of the problem.)

Though this all works fine on my local copy, when I test an online version I get the following results:

  • Chrome: resets play position to 0. Final console line reads Result: currentTime = 0.
  • Safari: doesn't change play position at all. Final console.log line gives a value for currentTime equal to newTime (even though the play position actually doesn't change).
  • Firefox: skipping forward works; skipping backwards interrupts the audio for a few seconds, then it starts playing again from a couple of seconds before where the playhead had been. In both cases, final console.log line gives a value for currentTime equal to newTime

The issue must have something to do with the way audio is loaded. I have tried adding another console log line to show the start and end values for buffered.

In Chrome it goes up to 2 seconds after current play position. In Safari it goes up to ~170 seconds, and in Firefox it seems to buffer the full audio length.

However, in each case the start of the buffered object is 0.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going wrong?


I found a solution to my problem, if not exactly an explanation.

My hosting provider uses a CDN, for which it must replace resource's URLs with those of a different domain. The URLs of my audio resources are dynamically constructed by JS, because there's a random element to them; as such, the deployment process that replaces URLs wasn't catching those for my audio files. To get around this, I manually excluded the audio files from the CDN, meaning I could refer to them using relative file paths.

This was how things stood when I was having this issue.

Then, due to a separate issue, I took a different approach: I got the audio files back on the CDN and wrote a function to extract the domain name I needed to use to retrieve the files. When I did that, suddenly I found that all my problems to do with setting currentTime had disappeared. Somehow, not having the files on the CDN was severely interfering with the browser's ability to load them in an orderly manner.

If anyone can volunteer an explanation for why this might have been, I'd be very curious to hear it...


I've been working on another project which involves streaming audio, this time also with PWA support, so I had to implement a caching mechanism in my service worker for audio files. Through this guide I learned all about the pitfalls of range requests, and understand now that failing to serve correct responses to requests with range headers will break seeking on some browsers.

It seems that in the above case, when I excluded my files from the CDN they were served from somewhere that didn't support range headers. When I moved them back on the CDN this was fixed, as it must have been built with explicit support for streaming media.

Here is a good explanation of correct responses to range requests. But for anyone having this issue while using a third party hosting service, it suffices to know that probably they do not support range headers for streaming media. If you want to verify this is the case, you can query the audio object's duration. At least in Safari's case, the duration is set to infinity when it can't successfully make a range request, and at that point seeking will be disabled.

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