Map list of filenames as option values for command


I have a number of files and want to use their names as arguments to a command so that the command becomes

<command> <option> <file1> <option> <file2> ...

For each file name I want to prepend that with the option name. I don't know how many files there are. How can I do this? Does bash/shell have something similar to map?

The files exists so I would get the names using find, or mayb ls if I'm sure about the filenames, so I was looking for something like you can do with xargs

ls -1q <pattern> | xargs <command> ...

But instead of what xargs do (turning it into one command for each file) I want a single command with many arguments with <option> inserted before all filenames.

In my specific example I want to combine an unknown number of coverage data files with one command:

lcov -o total.coverage -a <file1> -a <file2> ... 

This is inside a Makefile, but I'd prefer a "standard" shell approach.


Try this :

# This will expand the [pattern], and put all the files in [files] variables

lcov -o total.coverage ${files[@]/#/-a }
# ${files[@]/#/-a } replaces the beginning of each element in files with [-a ],
# meaning prepend [-a ]
# For more information, see section [${parameter/pattern/string}] in

assuming you don't have special characters (like spaces) in your file names.

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