Google sheet, select columns within a named range


I'm trying to select a range of data within a named range on a google sheet but after searching I still can't figure it out how to do it.

In this case, I would like to count the amount of time a club appeared within a gameweek.

Here I can do it for all the gameweek tables I have, there is no problem.


=QUERY({B:C;D:E;F:G;H:I;J:K}; "SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' AND Col1 <> 'GK' AND Col1 <> 'DEF' AND Col1 <> 'MID' AND Col1 <> 'FW' AND Col1 <> 'EXTRA' AND Col1 <> 'Club' AND Col1 <> 'count' AND Col1 MATCHES '^.{0,5}$' GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY SUM(Col2) DESC LABEL Col1 'Club', SUM(Col2) 'count'")

But I'd like to do the same for each of the gameweek table. So far I have this

Gameweek 1

=QUERY({(B6:B15):(C6:C15);(D6:D15):(E6:E15);(F6:F15):(G6:G15);(H6:H15):(I6:I15);(J6:J15):(K6:K15)}; "SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY SUM(Col2) DESC LABEL Col1 'Club', SUM(Col2) 'count'")

but it is not very usable as I'd have to change each range for every next table.

So I tried to make the "Gameweek 1" table as a named range gw1_clubcount and only select its adequate columns similarly as the total so that I would just have to change that for each gameweek but obviously it is not working but that's what I would like to reach.

Gameweek 1 with named range

=QUERY(gw1_clubcount {B:C;D:E;F:G;H:I;J:K}; "SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY SUM(Col2) DESC LABEL Col1 'Club', SUM(Col2) 'count'")

I've found the INDEX function where you can select the desired row and column of the named range.That would give something like this below but that's not how you use it.

=QUERY({INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,1):INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,2);INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,3):INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,4);INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,5):INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,6);INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,7):INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,8);INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,9):INDEX(gw1_clubcount,,10)} ; "SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY SUM(Col2) DESC LABEL Col1 'Club', SUM(Col2) 'count'")

I'm not very experienced with sheets and a little help would be very appreciated !

Nikko J.

Here I created a solution that requires custom function:

To write a custom function:

  1. Create or open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. Select the menu item Tools > Script editor.
  3. Delete any code in the script editor.
  4. For this problem, simply copy and paste the code below (stack function) into your script editor.
  5. At the top, click Save save.

To use custom function:

  1. Click the cell where you want to use the function.
  2. Type an equals sign (=) followed by the function name and any input value — for example, =DOUBLE(A1) — and press Enter.
  3. The cell will momentarily display Loading..., then return the result.


function stack(arr) {
  var flatArr = arr.flat();
  var filtered = flatArr.filter(function (el) {return el != "";});
  const newArr = [];
  while(filtered.length) newArr.push(filtered.splice(0,2));

Named Ranges:

enter image description here

Example usage:


=QUERY(stack(FLATTEN(gw1_clubcount)), "SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY SUM(Col2) DESC LABEL Col1 'Club', SUM(Col2) 'count'")

enter image description here


=QUERY(stack(FLATTEN(gw2_clubcount)), "SELECT Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col1 <> '' GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY SUM(Col2) DESC LABEL Col1 'Club', SUM(Col2) 'count'")

enter image description here


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