Folder missing in artifact - GitHub Actions


I have the following steps to copy files to artifact and publish artifact:

   - name: copy FA function arm templates
     run: Copy 'Service/Project/Hosts/FA/Infrastructure/' 'upload/functions_arm_templates/FA/Infrastructure'
     shell: powershell
   - name: copy FB function arm templates
     run: Copy 'Service/Project/Hosts/FB/Infrastructure/' 'upload/functions_arm_templates/FB/Infrastructure'
     shell: powershell
   - name: publish artifact
     uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
       name: ${{github.run_number}}
       path: upload/**

The Build succeeded however after downloading the artifact, I don't see a folder named functions_arm_templates. What am I missing?


You are only copying the folder without its contents.

Use copy 'Service/Project/Hosts/FA/Infrastructure/' 'upload/functions_arm_templates/FA/Infrastructure/' -recurse to copy the folder with its contents.

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