Why some GitHub actions stopped executing?


I have 3 workflows, that validate a directory/file each one (web, server, dockers).

Everything worked fine, until I added a "labeler" workflows to label PRs with web/server/docker labels.

The labeler workflow:

name: "Pull Request Labeler"
    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, labeled, unlabeled]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/labeler@v3
          repo-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"

One of the workflows that stopped working:

name: Server validation

    branches: [master]
      - ./server
      - .github/workflows/server-validation.yml
    branches: [master]
      - ./server
      - .github/workflows/server-validation.yml

    name: Server validation
# ...

Is there anything wrong? I didn't change the directory structure, the master branch name, or the workflow file.

This is the repository, where only the "labeler" workflow is executing: https://github.com/ivancea/autostocklist/actions

It has been happened since the last week, so I'm discarding any GitHub temporary problem.


You should inform the paths that way:

   - 'server/**'
   - '**/server-validation.yml' 

Instead of using something like ./**.

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