Python - Error , iterating list of dictionaries


I get error iterating list of dictionaries custom_list - list of dictionaries each dictionary have 3 keys

for i in custom_list:
    for link, id, timestamp in i.items():
        print("id : ", id)
        print("link : ", link)
        print("timestamp : ",timestamp)

The error:

    for link, id, timestamp in i.items():
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

if i print ' i ' i can see i have 3 values example of ' i ' dictionary print

{'id': 1, 'link': '', 'timestamp': '2022-03-25 01:11:11.11111111'}

i in the first for loop will give a dictionary so you can directly reference the key value pair without another for loop

for i in custom_list:
    print("id : ", i['id'])
    print("link : ", i['link'])
    print("timestamp : ",i['timestamp'])

If the dictionary's structure is dynamic and you want to iterate for all the key value pairs in the dictionary of current iteration you can add the following

for i in custom_list:
    for key, val in i.items():
        print(f'{key}: {value}')

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