Pivot table query using SQL Server 2008 R2


I have the following table with two fields as shown below:

I want to show the pivot table of the following data into verticle form.

Table: test_10

create table test_10
    col1 varchar(10),
    col2 varchar(10)

Inserting records:

insert into test_10 values('A','2015-01-01'),('A','2015-01-05'),('A','2015-01-10'),('A','2015-02-15'),

Expected Result:

ColX    Jan    Feb
A       3      1
B       3      1
C       0      4

My try:

SELECT ColX,SUM(Jan) as Jan,SUM(Feb) as after
        SELECT col1 as ColX,col1,
        (CASE WHEN col2 BETWEEN convert(date,'01-01-2015',105) AND convert(date,'31-01-2015',105) THEN count(col1) ELSE 0 END) as Jan, 
        (CASE WHEN col2 BETWEEN convert(date,'01-02-2015',105) AND convert(date,'28-02-2015',105) THEN count(col1) ELSE 0 end) as Feb
        from test_10
        Group By col1,col2
    ) a
    FOR col1 in([A],[B],[C])
)as pvt

But Getting result:

ColX    Jan    Feb
A       1       1
B       1       1
C       0       1   
Deepak Pawar

No need of pivot, try conditional aggregation :

SELECT col1,
             WHEN col2 BETWEEN CONVERT(DATE, '01-01-2015', 105) AND CONVERT(DATE, '31-01-2015', 105) THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS Jan,
             WHEN col2 BETWEEN CONVERT(DATE, '01-02-2015', 105) AND CONVERT(DATE, '28-02-2015', 105) THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS Feb
FROM   test_10
GROUP  BY col1 

Collected from the Internet

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