SQL Server 2008 - Pivot

create table [temp](
[id] [nvarchar](10) not null,
[name] [nvarchar](50) not null,
[info1] [nvarchar](50) not null,
[info2] [nvarchar](50) not null,
[info3] [nvarchar](50) not null);

insert into temp(id,name,info1,info2,info3) values ('id1','name1','infoa','infob','infoc');
insert into temp(id,name,info1,info2,info3) values ('id1','name1','infox','infod','infoc');
insert into temp(id,name,info1,info2,info3) values ('id1','name1','infoz','infob','infoc');

Table looks as follow

temp table  
id         name   info1     info2     info3  
id1        name1  infoa     infob     infoc  
id1        name1  infox     infod     infoc  
id1        name1  infoy     infob     infoc  

multiple rows from the temp table will be grouped by id, name and all unique info columns will be concatenated expected output

 id   name    info1              info2         info3  
 id1  name1   infoa;infox;infoy  infob;infod   infoc  
Prahalad Gaggar
select [id],[name],
    stuff((select distinct ',' + CAST(t2.[info1] as varchar(10))
     from [temp] t2 where t1.id = t2.id and t1.name = t2.name
     for xml path('')),1,1,'') info1,
     stuff((select distinct ',' + CAST(t3.[info2] as varchar(10))
     from [temp] t3 where t1.id = t3.id and t1.name = t3.name
     for xml path('')),1,1,'') info2,
     stuff((select distinct ',' + CAST(t4.[info3] as varchar(10))
     from [temp] t4 where t1.id = t4.id and t1.name = t4.name
     for xml path('')),1,1,'') info3
from [temp] t1
group by id,Name

Function Used

  1. Stuff
  2. For XML
  3. Group by

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