Is there any way to get the name of an Knockout observable object?


I am extending ko.observable to write values to local storage. I'd like to use the name of the variable as the key, so:

self.newObservable = ko.observable();    

would persist the value in localStorage with a key of 'newObservable'. Is there a way to get the value 'newObservable'? I've tried using but that just returns the type name of the variable i.e. 'String' or 'Number'.


One way would be to give the extended observable the refence to this like

Pseudo code (I would use .extend() on observable instead)

ViewModel = function() {    
    this.newObservable = ko.perstableObservable(this);

ko.perstableObservable = function(owner) {
   this.owner = owner;

Then you can itterate over this and find the observable reference

persistValue = function(value) {
   var name = null;
   for(var index in this.owner) {
      if(this.owner[index] === this) {
         name = index;

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