How can I get informations within code about the cache of my app?


I want to check where my apps cache is raising all the time. So I need a method to access informations about the current cache at any time. I think there must be such a method, because I could see the size of the cache in the App-Info of my android-smartphone. The app is running in the background and I want to log when the size of the cache is raising.

Android Team

Use below code snippets for your solution.

public static byte[] retrieveData(Context context, String name) throws IOException {

        File cacheDir = context.getCacheDir();
        File file = new File(cacheDir, name);

        if (!file.exists()) {
            // Data doesn't exist
            return null;

        byte[] data = new byte[(int) file.length()];
        FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
        try {
        finally {

        return data;

Here is complete CacheManager class.

When to clear the cache dir in Android?

Collected from the Internet

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