Can't get sauce labs and travis CI to work

Aakil Fernandes

I'm trying to run a test with sauce labs + travis CI but no luck.

Here's where I think the issue is:

UnknownError: Sauce Labs Authentication Error.
You used username 'None' and access key 'None' to authenticate, which are not valid Sauce Labs credentials.

However, I have added the keys to my travis settings page. Also, it looks like Travis is in fact exporting them

$ export SAUCE_USERNAME=[secure]
$ export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=[secure]

So what's going on?

If it helps, you can check the rest of the protractor.conf here

Aakil Fernandes

I can't remember where exactly I found the answer, but I had to remove the seleniumAddress config option for reasons I don't really understand.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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