How can I get clean Gradle output on Travis CI?


Example output for a normal build on Travis CI using Gradle:

Gradle seems to think that the console has the same capabilities as a normal ANSI console, while in reality it only supports some of those features. Specifically, it seems to support colors, but not updating/replacing text (it's append-only).

How can I tell Gradle to use "plain" console output?


Gradle automatically detects the terminal type based on the $TERM environment variable (and a few other layers in between). Setting TERM=dumb causes Gradle to use plain console output.

In your .travis.yml file, you should now have something like the following (assuming the Gradle wrapper is used):

  - TERM=dumb ./gradlew assemble

  - TERM=dumb ./gradlew check

For sample output, see this build:

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