Java sort a csv file based on column date

Arnold Cristobal

Need to sort a csv file based on the date column. This is how the masterRecords array list looks like

GBEP-1-2-4,FRAG,PMTypeEthernet,NEND,TDTN,15-MIN,Dec 15 2014  - 07:15:00 AM MYT,+0,COMPL
GBEP-1-2-1,FRAG,PMTypeEthernet,NEND,TDTN,15-MIN,Dec 15 2014  - 07:00:00 AM MYT,+0,COMPL
GBEP-2-2-1,FRAG,PMTypeEthernet,NEND,TDTN,15-MIN,Dec 15 2014  - 07:30:00 AM MYT,+0,COMPL

I need to sort it out based from the date 07:15:00, 07:30:00, etc. I created a code to sort it out:

// Date is fixed on per 15min interval
ArrayList<String> sortDate = new ArrayList<String>();

    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempPath + filename));

    for (int k = 0; k < sortDate.size(); k++) {
        String date = sortDate.get(k);
        for (int j = 0; j < masterRecords.size(); j++) {
            String[] splitLine = masterRecords.get(j).split(",", -1);
            if (splitLine[10].contains(date)) {
                bw.write(masterRecords.get(j) + System.getProperty("line.separator").replaceAll(String.valueOf((char) 0x0D), ""));

You can see from above it will loop thru a first array (sortDate) and loop thru again on the second array which is the masterRecord and write it on a new file. It seems to be working as the new file is sorted out but I notice that my masterRecord has 10000 records but after creating a new file the record shrinks to 5000, Im assuming its how I remove the records from the master list. Anyone knows why?

Lautaro Cozzani

Is not safe to remove an item inside of a loop. You have to iterate array over Iterator, for example:

List<String> names = ....
Iterator<String> i = names.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
   String s =; // must be called before you can call i.remove()
   // Do something

The documentation says:

The iterators returned by this class's iterator and listIterator methods are fail-fast: if the list is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way except through the iterator's own remove or add methods, the iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationException. Thus, in the face of concurrent modification, the iterator fails quickly and cleanly, rather than risking arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior at an undetermined time in the future.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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