Sort the column based on the name, which contains the date


I have the following data:

df <- data.frame(id = c(0101, 1011, 2301), flat = c(1, 11, 1), buid = c(1, 10, 23), X2019. = c(14.123, 12.53, 8.53), X2020. = c(15.03, 14.63, 9.53), X30.04.2019.23.59 = c(21.03, 17.67, 7.27))

I need to arrange the columns in order of the date that is written in the name of the columns.

Ronak Shah

A general solution would be to separate date and non-date columns, sort the date columns according to this answer and combine them.

date_cols <- grep('X\\d+\\.\\d+\\d+', names(df), value = TRUE)
non_date_cols <- grep('X\\d+\\.\\d+\\d+', names(df), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

date_cols <- date_cols[order(as.Date(parse_date_time(sub('^X', '', 
                       date_cols), c('YmdHMS', 'dmyHM'))))]
df[c(non_date_cols, date_cols)]

To keep only unique date columns we can do :

cols <- as.Date(parse_date_time(sub('^X', '', date_cols), c('YmdHMS', 'dmyHM')))
df[c(non_date_cols, date_cols[!duplicated(cols)])]

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