In Jmeter how do I set a variable number of threads using a beanshell sampler variable?


In JMeter I have a thread group and I want to control how many threads are run using a jmeter variable. In the thread group I'm setting Number of Threads equal to ${numThreads}. I have a setup thread group that has a bean shell sampler with the following (this always runs before the main test thread group):


If I set numThreads in a user defined variables config element in the setup thread group it will use the correct number of threads. However I want to control it using a variable I defined in a bean shell sampler and it is not working. I can see the variable is being created and I can print the value in the log but when I use the bean shell sampler the thread group does not correctly create 5 threads (it creates 0 threads). The only thing I can think of is they both create variables but maybe the user defined config element creates it as an integer type? When I debug the type of the variable it shows as a string regardless of if it is set in a user defined parms config or bean shell sampler.

log.debug(vars.get("numThreads").getClass().getName()); // this prints java.lang.String for both

Why does the thread group not create the correct number of threads based on the bean shell variable?


Ok I figured it out. Looks like variables are thread specific and properties are global to the entire test. So setting a variable in the setup threadgroup was out of scope when my main thread group starts. Now Im setting a property in the setupgroup beanshell and using the following in the main threadgroup:

setup threadgroup beanshell: props.put("threadCount","3");

In the main threadgroup I can use the following to start the correct number of threads: ${__P(threadCount)}

Still no idea why the user defined variables config element was working - it must generate properties rather than variables or something.

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