Writing Variables using Beanshell Sampler in JMeter into a txt/csv file


My requirement is to write two values using 2 Beanshell Samplers used in different steps, in a single line and separated by a comma But the second variable is written on a new line

I have two different Beanshell Samplers at different steps. First one captures Variable 1 and writes it in a file Second one captures Variable 2 and writes it in the file

First Code:

String path= FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt";
SubmissionNum= vars.get("CP_SubmissionNumber");
EMailID= vars.get("P_emailID");
f = new FileOutputStream(path, true);
p = new PrintStream(f);

Second Code:

String path= FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt";
Policynumber= vars.get("CP_Policynumber");
f = new FileOutputStream(path, true); 
p = new PrintStream(f);

Expected Result:

 [email protected],12345601,12345602

Actual Result:

 [email protected],12345601


Instead of println which adds new line use print


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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