Laravel 4 - How do I submit a form to add comments to a page with a URL variable?

Ian Woodfill

I have a system where you go to and you can view a given restaurant. I have a form at the bottom with reviews that can be added to the restaurant.

//Restaurant info page(GET)
Route::get('/restaurant/{key}', array(
    'as' => 'restaurant-show',
    'uses' => 'RestaurantController@getRestaurant'

//Restaurant review submit(POST)
Route::get('/restaurant/review/{key}', array(
    'as' => 'restaurant-review-post',
    'uses' => 'RestaurantController@postAddReview'

{{ Form::open(['route' => 'RestaurantController@postAddReview']) }} and when I submit it, it goes to Is their any good way I can do this? What am I doing wrong? Any and all help is appreciated!


First should never post any forms and data with GET, but POST. This means you have to rework your route to Route::post('....');

After that you dont need that parameter in there! In your method in that controller you need to check for all the inputs by this:

$inputs = Input::except('_token');

and var_dump it if you want to check what you have posted!

Regards and tell me if you need any further help!

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