How do I create a javascript array of lists of objects?


I need to create a dictionary of lists. Is that possible in Javascript? I am looking for something that will let me add objects for a feature/subfeature pairs and also iterate the feature/subfeature collections. My feature/subfeature data is a series of integer pairs:

[1,2], [1,3], [1,23], [2,4], [2, 12], ....

where the 1st number is the feature index, and the second number is the subfeature index. Each of these pairs can have a list of objects. I want to iterate the list by feature index and them by objects. Something like

forEach( item where feature index == someIndex, function(foo) {
     forEach (item[someindex, foo.index] , function(bar) {
             display bar.prop1, bar.prop2, ....

I will making a database call and add the results as items to this structure.

This structure is emulating something I put together in .Net using a dictionary that used a tuple as a key and list of objects as the value. The declaration was :

Dictionary <tuple[], list<myobject>>




This example may be a bit more than you need. But perhaps you will find benefits.

//Object representing a Feature
function Feature(featureID, subFeatureID, list)
  this.featureID = featureID;
  this.subFeatureID = subFeatureID;
  this.list = list;

//Object to hold features
function FeatureCollection()
    this._collection = new Array();

//Augment the FeatureCollection prototype

FeatureCollection.prototype.add = function(feature)

FeatureCollection.prototype.foreach = function(someIndex, listFunction)
  //For each feature set, loop within the collection
  //until the someIndex is found
  for(var i=0,length=this._collection.length;i<length;i++)
      //Store a local scoped variable of the feature
      var feature = this._collection[i];
      if(feature.featureID === someIndex)
        //For each of the object within the feature's list
        //invoke a function passing feature as 'this'
        for(var x=0,xlength=feature.list.length; x<xlength;x++)
, feature.list[x]);


//Create a feature collection
var featureCollection = new FeatureCollection();

//Create a new feature
var testFeature = new Feature(1,2,["hello","world"])

//Add the feature to the collection

//Iterate the collection invoking the provided anonymous
//function if the index passed matches
featureCollection.foreach(1, function(listItem)
  console.log("FeatureID: " + this.featureID + " ListItemValue:" + listItem)

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