How do I create an array of objects the right way?

Your Ally :

So I'm just starting to use objects in Java and I heard you can make an array of objects, but I'm having some problems with it.

public class Minesweeper {

    static int Turns;
    static boolean Won;
    static String Name;
    static int Winnings;
    public Minesweeper(boolean won, int turns,String pName,int score){


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner inpt = new Scanner(;
        int pl=0,again,respd;
        String ans;
        String pName;
        Minesweeper [] player= new Minesweeper[20];



        System.out.println("What's your name?");;



        System.out.println("Play Again?");

        ans =;

        player[pl]= new Minesweeper(Won,Turns,pName,Winnings);


        for(int i=0;i<pl;i++){


It just outputs the last player's score repeatedly (because of the loop), I want it to print every player that has played the game.

What are the lines do I have to change

The whole code

glglgl :

The fields you intend to store the data for each player are static. This contradicts their intended use.

If you have 5 instances of your class, static int Turns; makes the field exist only once. Removing static gives every instance a separate field, which is what you need.

(BTW, field names in Java usually start with lower case, so better use turns instead of Turns.)

If you turn

static int Turns;
static boolean Won;
static String Name;
static int Winnings;


int turns;
boolean won;
String name;
int winnings;

you'll see that your main loop doesn't work any longer.

Thus, you have to add local variables in your main():

int turns = 0;
boolean won = false;
String name;
int winnings;

The won and turns values have to be obtained somehow as well in a clean way, as well as winnings. (Maybe you want to make them a separate class GameResult which is returned by play().)

Then you can do

    player[pl]= new Minesweeper(won,turns,pName,winnings);

(BTW, the name should maybe put first, but that's a matter of style.)

Collected from the Internet

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