How do I secure my tornado python file?


With security in mind, what is the best practice for storing my on a web server? For example, is it safe to place my in /var/www/ or should I place it in /var/www/

I am a first time subscriber to a virtual private server and I am running Nginx as a reverse proxy to a Tornado web server. If you are not familiar with Tornado, is the python file that starts my Tornado web application.

Below is an example of how I plan on organizing my files.

  • /var
    • /www
      • /
        • (Is it safer here?)
        • /public_html
          • index.html
          • (Or is it fine here?)
      • /
        • /public_html
          • index.html
      • /
        • /public_html
          • index.html
Ben Darnell

It's always better to keep things out of public_html unless you specifically need them there. I would recommend setting up a separate directory next to public_html for the application code:


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