How do I secure access to a AWS classic EC2 machine from my LAN


How do I secure access to a AWS classic EC2 machine from my LAN whose IP could change on a daily basis since we are connected to a local ISP provider

Naveen Vijay

The access restriction for EC2 Classic works at 2 levels one at the OS based User Name and Password ( SSH key if linux based instance ) and then Security Group.

Given that you have told that the IPs tend to change on a daily basis; these are the alternatives you can try

Manual Process :

  • Get the IP range from your ISP and put that to your allowed IP Range for Instance's SG.

Script Based Process :

  • You can write a simple cron script, which can obtain your public IP and go and change the specified Instance's Security group everyday

Python - Boto Script to Perform the Daily SG Public IP Change for SSH-22 to your public IP address

import boto
import urllib2

def get_public_ip():
    ext_ip = urllib2.urlopen("").read()
    return ext_ip.strip()

sg_name = '<your security group name>' #enter your Security Group's NAME

ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
sg = ec2.get_all_security_groups(groupnames=sg_name)
sg = sg[0]

#remove existing 22 SSH rules - old CIDR IP
for rule in sg.rules:
    if str(rule.from_port) == '22':

#Authorize today's Public IP

Using 3rd Party Tools :

You can use 3rd Party provided like Dome9; they provide services like you can obtain the session / instance to be accessible for specific amount of time etc. Check whether they offer a solution for your scenario.

Their Product : Dome9 gives You 1-Click Secure Access To Any Server, Anywhere

Keep recycling your credentials for the instances; this for additional security.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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