Sending multiple record with one call using hiredis

Kadir Erdem Demir

I hope this list is right for asking questions about redis client "hiredis" . I want to achieve the same thing which I am doing below with redis client . As can be seen redis send 3 different record with one rpush call .

redis> rpush test kemal erdem husyin

(integer) 3
redis> lrange test 0 -1
1) "kemal"
2) "erdem"
3) "husyin"

In my project I use hiredis an example :

reply =  (redisReply*)(redisCommand(c, "RPUSH %s %s" , channelName,  message));

But Now I have a big log file which every line is being hold in a buff like char[][]; I need to send each line as different records but also need calling rpush only one time for performance .Would you have a advice for me ?

Didier Spezia

It would be a bad idea to send a unique command to push more than a few thousands of items. It would saturate the communication buffers, and a large command will block all other concurrent commands due to the single-threaded nature of Redis.

I suggest to build your push commands by batch of small packets of n items (n between 10 and 100), and to group your push commands in a pipeline of m commands (m between 10 and 100).

The algorithm would be something like this:

While there are still lines to read:
   New Redis pipeline, i=0
   While there are still lines to read and i<m:
      Read at most n lines
      Build push command for the read lines
      Pipeline push command
   Flush Redis pipeline, check return status if needed

It will only generate N / (n*m) roundtrips (N being the number of lines in the input file).

To build commands with arbitrary numbers of parameters, you can use the redisAppendCommandArgv function.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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