Wordpress sending multiple AJAX requests on one click


My ajax function for saving post is making multiple requests, and i can't understand why. I tried searching for the duplicate elements, that may cause double clicking, but there is no duplicates. And sometimes it posts on ONE click 4 times

Here is the screenshot of multiple ajax post, when i click on #order_save button,

enter image description here

My #order_save button, when i search for the order_save in the DOM tree, the first match is this element. (original click element)

enter image description here

And the second match(2 of 2) for the order_save is at jquery code (which is normal)

jQuery(function($) {
        var order_title = $('#client-order-title').val();
        var order_comment = $('#client-comment').val();
        var order_date = $('#order_date_till').val();
        var price_input = $('#order_price').val();
        var order_price;
        var order_attachments = [];
        if($('#order_price_on_deal:checked').val() == 'foo') {
            order_price = 'foo';
            order_price = price_input;
        if(!order_title) {
            return false;
        if(!order_comment) {
            return false;
        $('#files_public .order-attachment').each(function() {
                var attachment_link = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
                var attachment_title = $(this).text();
                'file_url' : attachment_link,
                'file_name' : attachment_title

            $.ajax({ // Line 68 is here
                url: my_ajax.url,
                type: "POST",
                data: {
                    'action' : 'xx_order_saving',
                    'order_title' : order_title,
                    'order_comment' : order_comment,
                    'order_date' : order_date,
                    'order_price' : order_price,
                    'order_attachment' : order_attachments,
                    'order_type' : 'public_order'
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(response){
                    if(response.html) {


PHP handler in my functions php (working fine)

function xx_order_saving() {
 // posting data here
 if($order_title && $order_comment) {
  $new_post_a = array(
      'post_type' => 'orders',
      'post_title' => $order_title,
      'post_status' => 'publish'
  $new_order = wp_insert_post($new_post_a);
  if($new_order) {
    wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $new_order, 'post_name' => $new_order ) );
  $template_file = 'xxx-order-saved.php';
  $page_template = ob_get_contents();
  $response['html'] = $page_template;

The template file with the jquery code above is loaded dynamically using this function

function load_frame() {
$option = $_POST['option'];
    $template_file = 'xxxx-'.$option.'.php';
    $page_template = ob_get_contents();
    $response['html'] = $page_template;

Sometimes it works just fine, sending one request, saving one post, sometimes it posts 4 or 2 times as shown in the screenshot above.

Here is what seems to cause the problem:

If there is order-attachments, for example one attachment it will send two requests (save two posts) if there is two attachments it will send One request, if there is three attachments it will send 4 requests, if there is 5 it sending One again. I just don't get it. Any help will be appreciated

<div id="files_public" class="form-group">
<span class="list-group-item order-attachment">Image.png
<a href="//Image.png">...</a></span>
Audite Marlow


$(document).on("click", "#order_save", function () {


$("#order_save").click(function () {

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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