Accessing an array using a pointer in a struct

Vasuda R

I wanted to access the array elements using the struct attributes. I am able to print 1st and the 2nd element using the struct pointer (nameptr) while the remaining 3 elements has to be accessed using the (uint8_t ptr) which itself is a attribute of the 'struct name'.

#include <iostream>

struct name{

    uint8_t b0;
    uint8_t b1;
    uint8_t* ptr;


int main()
    uint8_t arr[]= {1,2,3,4,5};
    nameptr = (name *)arr;
    nameptr->ptr = arr+2;
    printf("%d ", nameptr->b0);           //prints 1
    printf("%d ", nameptr->b1);           //prints 2
    for (int i=2; i<5; i++){
        printf("%d ",*(nameptr->ptr+i));  //expecting to print 3 4 5

    return 0;

When compiled I get the below error, Please help me getting this error solved.

*** stack smashing detected ***: ./a.out terminated

1 2 5 0 56 Aborted (core dumped)


This answer is based on the modified code as in revision 6 of the question.

If you have a structure of type name, not only a pointer, you can assign the array address to the pointer element ptr like this.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>

struct name{

    uint8_t b0;
    uint8_t b1;
    uint8_t* ptr;


int main()

    uint8_t arr[]= {1,2,3,4,5};
    name name_struct; // actual memory where you can access the structure fields
    nameptr = &name_struct; // pointer now points to a real structure of the correct type
    nameptr->ptr = arr; // assign array to pointer inside structure

    /* For this loop you must know the size of the array the pointer is pointing to.
     * Your code cannot automatically derive this information from the
     * pointer element `ptr` or from the structure like you could with
     * sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]). */
    for (int i=2; i<5; i++){
        printf("%d ",*(nameptr->ptr+i));  //expecting to print 3 4 5
        // printf("%d ",nameptr->ptr[i]);  // same, but easier to understand

    return 0;

The code in revision 7 of the question is wrong in several ways:

struct name{
    uint8_t b0;
    uint8_t b1;
    uint8_t* ptr;

/* Depending on your platform, the structure might be something like this */
struct name_with_padding {
    uint8_t b0; // 1st byte
    uint8_t b1; // 2nd byte
    // uint8_t padding[2]; // 3rd and 4th byte 
    uint8_t* ptr; // 5th to 8th byte

uint8_t arr[]= {1,2,3,4,5};

/* This cast is the main error. It will interpret the memory of the array
 * as a structure as shown above which is undefined behavior (and 
 * implementation dependent).
 * It might result in:
 * b0 = 1
 * b1 = 2
 * padding = {3, 4}
 * ptr = value 5 + some (3) bytes after it
 * But it may as well result in other (undefined) behavior.
nameptr = (name *)arr;

/* This may (depending on your implementation) overwrite
 * overwrite the value 5 and the following (3) bytes
 * with the address arr+2
 * so it will change the value of arr[4] and the memory after it
 * This may (or may not) result in a segmentation fauult or stack corruption.
nameptr->ptr = arr+2;

Collected from the Internet

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