How to access position of an array of struct using pointer


Answer (see below): When accessing a struct with a pointer, one needs to use the arrow operator "myStruct->structVariable" which is the equivalent to "(*myStruct).structVariable". When accessing the struct directly one uses "myStruct.structVariable".

I'm pretty new to C and pointers and am trying to do the following: I'd like to access an array of structs which is part of another struct. The struct is a pointer which gets passed to a function, in which i would like to access it.

Student has an array of structs which 10 Lectures (also a struct). To simplify the process of adding lectures to a student, i would like to be able to call the function "addLectureToStudent()" and passing the necessary arguments and assign the values to the array of lectures.

typedef struct Lectures {
  char name[20];
} Lecture;

typedef struct Students {
  char name[20];
  Lecture lectures[10];

} Student;     

void addLectureToStudent(Student * stud, int position, char lecture_name[20]){
    strcpy(stud->lectures[position]->name, lecture_name); //This line doesn't work as expected
int main(void) {

    Student markus;
    strcpy(, "Markus");
    markus.matrikelnummer = 12089548;
    addLectureToStudent(&markus, 0, "Programming");

My problem is, that when wanting to access strcpy(stud->lectures[postition]->name, lecture_name) it tells me that stud should be a pointer but isn't (thats the best translation i can come up with. It is originally in german..). How do i access the array of lectures properly in this case?


stud->lectures[position] is Lecture, so you should use ., not ->, to access that.

strcpy(stud->lectures[position].name, lecture_name);

Collected from the Internet

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